
ParaRook||DE-UK - parallel German-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-German corpus based on GRAC

Developers: Maria Shvedova, Arseniy Lukashevsky (NTU KhPI, Department of Intelligent Computer Systems)

Manual alignment using the program InterText

Morphosyntactic annotation: UDPipe2

SEARCH via NoSketch Engine

Demo (video in Ukr)


Drawing by Edward Lear

Please cite ParaRook: 

Maria Shvedova and Arsenii Lukashevskyi. 2024. Creating Parallel Corpora for Ukrainian: A German-Ukrainian Parallel Corpus (ParaRook||DE-UK). In Proceedings of the Third Ukrainian Natural Language Processing Workshop (UNLP) @ LREC-COLING 2024, pages 14–22, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.

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